Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia - Current Conditions

Observations by an Ecowitt GW2000 Personal Weather Station
15.7 °C
Feels like: 16.3 °C
High Low
17.7 °C 8.1 °C
NNE 14°
Speed Gust
5   10
Barometer1016.2 hPa
Dew Point15.2 °C
Rain5.6 mm  1.2 mm/hr
ET0.0 mm
Radiation0 W/m²
Cloud Base76 metres
Sun & Moon

Last Quarter
59% visible

The current Comfort Level, is starting to feel muggy but still confortable

The current UV index 0.0, is Low

The real time AQI of, 19.0 is Very Good

Weather Record Snapshots. View all weather records here.
High: 17.7 °C Low: 8.1 °C
Average Wind: 4 km/h Highest Wind: 13 km/h
Today's Rain: 5.6 mm Highest Rate: 2.4 mm/hr
High: 22.3 °C Low: 2.0 °C
Average Wind: 5 km/h Highest Wind: 44 km/h
Total Rain: 86.1 mm Highest Rate: 16.2 mm/hr
Recent Local Earthquake

36 km SE of Madang, Papua New Guinea
Magnitude 4.9
2977.7 km NNW
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